Sleeping Beauty

"They say if you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true"

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Its not really cheating...

I can't really remember exactly when I started this Raw Food diet, it feels like forever but I think it has only been a week. I have been doing pretty good, it's not as hard as it sounds there are raw food options everywhere in almost every restaurant, you just have to look for them. I haven't cheated except for eating tofu. I have found what I think is a loop hole, and I had sautéd veggies twice. I think my biggest hurdle is the fact that almost all raw food is cold, hence it being RAW food, I like my food lava hot. So in order to not starve or over load my system with nothing but cold veggies i have "cheated" and treated myself with two sauté veggie dishes. Other then the temperature thing the only other "issue" I have had is I find myself having strong cravings for meat, which I don't ever have. I don't crave sugars or grains or anything else that I have eliminated except for meat. I am thinking it is a sign of a much deeper need of some kind of missing mineral or vitamin but I'll have to explore that later.

I also need to explore my breakfast options, for the past week I have had the same breakfast, mixed berries raw coconut butter, raw coconut syrup and mixed nuts. I am worried that the sugar in the fruit (though most is absorbed and broken down by the nuts) will cause bloating. So far I have not seen any signs of that but I am keeping a look out.

On top of my raw diet I am also doing a detox. what my mom brought to my attention when I originally refused to do a detox for fear of uncontrollable pooping, was that many people confuse detox, with cleanses. Which are two totally different things a
Detox is: (Medicine) treatment designed to rid the body of poisonous substances, esp alcohol and drugs

Cleans is: Rid (a person, place, or thing) of something seen as unpleasant, unwanted, or defiling.

Ok they both kind of sound the same but basically one you poop a lot and the other not so much. When I'm doing a whole lifestyle change it helps to keep terms as simple and dumbed down as I can.

I haven't weighed myself again yet but my mom said I looked like I had lost weight. my sister said that my mom only said that so I don't give up on my diet, but to be honest I FEEL better, and FEELING better is the first step. the better you feel the more you will love the end results. I bought a whole bunch of size Small clothes yesterday so I'm not giving up just yet :)

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and no one ever died from too many veggies ;)

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