Sleeping Beauty

"They say if you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true"

Monday, April 2, 2012

On a sunny day

Its finally spring time, the sun has made it out from behind the clouds and the air is warm enough to tingle the skin. It's time to spend more time outdoors and in good company, creating memories and stories to share for when the sun goes back into hiding its heat from us. I spent this past weekend laying out by a pool with my best friend, then laying in the back yard with my fiancé. We had a delicious crawfish dinner with my "brother in law's" girlfriends parents and ended the night with wine outdoors listening to the last few COOL breezes rustle the leaves that were left on the ground from the near by trees. The smell of fresh cut grass in the air and the sound of a good conversation and laughter brought the evening to a beautiful close.

Remembering a wonderfully pleasant weekend helps me ignore my extremely runny nose and painfully itchy eyes as the traditionally terrible Texas allergies roll on through and ruin my mood. Trying to keep up with two little girls and my nose is no easy task. Especially when the itching and watering of my eyes makes it very difficult to color in the lines properly, and when coloring with a 5yr old it is best to be as accurate as possible or they are sure to point out your mistakes. It is also basically impossible to say "no we can't go outside today" to a 2yr old, they don't understand that the beautiful cool sunny day out side is Nanny's worst enemy right now. So we all slip on some flip flops I stuff a couple handfuls of toilet paper into each of my pockets for future nose blowing and we head out. Off into the day on pink sparkly tricycles.

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