Sleeping Beauty

"They say if you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true"

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hippie in the kitchen

Growing up in a Latin family and traveling all over the world food has been one of the biggest influences in my life. i may not remember where exactly we were or who it was with but i remember the aroma and tastes of the meal, the warm or cooling sensation as the food traveled to my tummy and filled me with a yummy joy. My mother and grandmother always instilled a sense of pride in the food we prepared, being careful not to cook anything in a bad mood so we don't feed anyone negative energy. Every house my family has lived in has always been very warm, open, and friendly, no one comes in with out being ask if they are hungry or thirsty, and even if they are neither a drink and meal is brought to them anyways. Not matter how your day goes a good meal and a smile can change everything.

For years i have wanted to cook but i feared that if i finally let my little secret be known then no one would take me seriously. What kind of life will cooking provide for me, its not a real job. i figured it was best for me to just keep my passion for food under wraps and continue to look for something else to do. Wasn't till my mom came to visit and flat out said i needed to go for it that i let myself believe in me. So now i am working on going to a Raw Food culinary school and i am so excited i cant stop thinking about it, but because i am a little superstitious i will stop talking about it for now.

This is what i have been up to this week, busy busy busy. My mom has pretty much dared me to eat nothing but raw food this week so i am having fun finding different ways to eat my fruits and veggies.

 Raw veggie sushi. i marinated the carrots in apple cider vinegar, red chili flakes and honey to give it a bit of an Asian kick, and some extra flavor so i wouldnt have to use soy sauce. 

(Right:) the beginnings of raw creme brulee. Cashews, pine nuts, honey, vanilla, lemon juice, and coconut oil. it turned out the way it was supposed to but, it still ended up tasting like cashews. So i am going to stay away from sweet treats made of nuts and stick to more fruit based items. But over all not too bad.

(Above:) the finished product of my Raw creme brulee. looks good and tastes good 

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