Sleeping Beauty

"They say if you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true"

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I was feeling a little home sick for the first time today. The longer i am here the harder things are (as normal) so i felt like a little passionate post would be good for today... enjoy.

No we are not fire fighters who save lives, no we are not athletes who have metals and no we are not famous and rich. We live our lives quietly backstage, all day learning something we love... Our hands are raw, are feet are numb, our legs give in to the burn. We are up too late and sleep too little, yet the work never seems to end, constantly distracted by the thought of what could be better. we live in a perpetual stink of produce and rarely have time to shower. Frustration fights its way to take over our confidence and at our weakest it may win. We forget there is an outside world and those who love us reach out to us to ground our busy lives. When we leave the kitchen we go to another, in hopes that if we tweak enough we can create perfection. we get tired we get cranky we get overwhelmed we get discouraged, we try to give up but in the end we never do, and never will because we are culinary students and we love what we do more then anything. Our hands ache to hold a knife and our bodies urn to be in the kitchen. We love what we do and we may never stop.

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